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Property Owners Association
The BBMPOA (Big Bay Master Property Owners Association) often referred to as the MPOA, is made up of many estates and these estates fall into various blocks (A – F). Block A which includes Waters Edge Estate, and several others has its own umbrella association called BBBE POA.
More info on the BBMPOA available here.
The BBBEPOA (often referred to as the BBBE) has its own constitution and board of 14 trustees, 2 of whom own properties in Waters Edge Estate. The BBBE trustee committee jointly selects 4 trustees to serve on the MPOA board to represent Block A. The MPOA has a total of 9 trustees who vote on decisions (often referred to as Block Trustees). Each Block also elects alternate trustees to stand in for a absent block trustee, co-opted trustees are also allowed. All other MPOA Blocks (B-F) only get 1 trustee to represent their block on the MPOA. All 4 trustees from Block A must be present at a MPOA Trustees meeting in order for a Block A vote to be valid and counted. As such 4 further alternate trustees are voted in by the BBBE to assist in this regard.
BBBE / Block A consists of the following estates: Waters Edge Estate, Eden on the Bay (commercial and residential), Big Bay Office Park, Vacant Lots (to be developed), Azure, Pardis Bay, Ocean Mist and Sunset Bay.
BBBEPOA – Managing Agent
Trafalgar currently are the Managing Agent for BBBE. Should you need to contact them please speak to Angelique Rasana – [email protected]
BBBE POA - Constitution
(Big Bay Beach Estate Property Owners Association)